too much sharing?

March 22nd, 2009

Recently, I was asked by a friend if I was going to Twitter my labor & delivery experience.  What?! To be honest, I really didn’t know what the heck ‘twittering’ was about.  Other than it being a sound that little birdies make.

After doing a little research and discussing this with some of the teenagers on my street, I found out that this ‘twittering’ thing was the hot new craze.  As one kid put it, ‘everyone is doing it!’Oh really.  And supposedly, this is wayyyy better than just regular blogging.  It’s micro-blogging.

Which begs the question, micro-blogging?  As far as I can tell it’s kind of like text messaging but with ‘twittering’ you’re posting about all of those mundane moments (to the people that ‘follow’ your Twitter page) that happen throughout the day.  The whole idea is based on if someone were to ask you ‘What are you doing?’

So I imagine ‘twittering’ goes something like this… right now I’m at Starbucks getting a latte and reading the latest Oprah Book Club book.  Or, after I brush my teeth today, I plan on walking the dog, go to the grocery store, and mow the lawn later on this afternoon. I’m sure people are also ‘twittering’ about how the date they’re on is going, how bored they are in the meeting they’re in right now, and what’s for dinner tonight.

Honestly, too much sharing people.  Too much!

Which then got me thinking… why the heck would I ‘Twitter’ my L&D experience from my hospital bed?  Seriously?!  I think this would definitely fall under the ‘too much sharing’ category.  Can you imagine???

Hey everybody… we’re at the hospital, I’m in incredible pain, anxiously waiting for my epidural– oh jeez… here comes another contraction!  Breathe, breathe, breathe.  For the love of all things good…Someone PUH-lease get me that nurse!!!

Just to be clear, I won’t be ‘twittering’ my L&D experience.  Apologies in advance to all of my fans :)  Hee. Hee.

I realize that my opinion of the ‘twittering’ is definitely not in the majority.  You should know that I have been verrrry late to anything techno-based.  Some examples of this include:  HUGE skepticism over cell phones, blogging, e-mailing, texting, accepting TiVo, and accepting the change from VHS to DVDs.  You should know that I use and do all of these things.  And, very happily I must add:)  Change is slow going for the meandering mind; maybe one day I’ll accept the Twitter.  Maybe.  And I’m sure I’ll be the last one to the party as well.

Well… I’m off to get some fiber, head out to the 4:30 early bird dinner special followed by a rousing game of Pinochle, then off to bed before the sun goes down ;)  Tweet. Tweet.

5 Responses to “too much sharing?”

  1. tracy on March 22, 2009 8:47 am

    Too funny! I agree, I am not into the whole twitter world. Too much info indeed. I do however want to hear all the details up close and personal, after little man makes his way into the world. :)

  2. kelley on March 23, 2009 1:59 pm

    seriously, you would be lucky to be so focused as to type a tweet during labor.

  3. Tyna on March 24, 2009 6:43 am

    Awww…no heavy breathing?! I totally agree, maybe all these people who have time to twitter could get together and do something productive, like clean my basement or maybe knit something with lace-weight yarn!
    Hope all is well with you and little man.

  4. DaMama's on March 24, 2009 3:01 pm

    phone calls, yes- email, yes- blogging, yes, twittering I don’t think so.
    Just gets to be tooooo much sharing with the world.
    I love your since of humor


  5. Janet on March 26, 2009 1:04 pm

    Hear, Hear! My sentiments exactly!

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