36 weeks!

March 9th, 2009

Meandering preggers has made it to 36 weeks!  Wow.  Not too much longer and our little boy will be here!!!  Now that we’re in the home stretch of this amazing journey, I thought you might be interested in the preggers happenings…

to answer the how are you feeling at 36 weeks…

Oh, my back is aching!  Just trying to find one comfortable place in the house to sit is a bit of a challenge these days.  And forget about car rides over 30 minutes.  I can’t take it; our car sits pretty low to the ground so I feel every bump in the road.  I think I’m beginning to regret a tiny bit that I didn’t do more of that ‘core strength training’ during the early stages of being preggers.  Damn hindsight! I do remind myself that this little boy is about 6 pounds and all of the weight is pretty much centered in my belly.

I know I’ve chatted about this before…You’ll hear this phrase around my house often… Hubby, can you please get me a few TUMs? I can’t even explain the amount of heartburn & indigestion I have right now.  I’m seriously thinking about strapping the container around my neck–like a feed bag of TUMs.

Overall, (minus the aching back & indigestion), I’m feeling just fine.

things that are becoming increasingly harder to do…

Tying my shoes. I’m wondering if I need to switch to slip on shoes?  I wonder if they still make those ‘old school’ Vans I had wayyyyyy back in the 80s:)?  hmmmm…

Finding my feet to put shoes on. If I’m looking directly at my BIG belly bump, I can’t see my feet!  I think they’ve been M.I.A. for about 4 weeks!  I’d love to paint my toes a pretty pink color but I can’t see my toes to put the nail polish on :(

Getting in and out of our car. (See achy, whiny back note above…) Our sporty little car is not very preggers friendly right now.  I’m sure people are laughing at me while watching me maneuver this task.  I see y’all looking at me in the Target parking lot!

Getting up after being in a lying down position on the bed or couch. Hubby has taken to calling me ‘the turtle’.  I’m sure this is pretty hilarious to watch :)

a few food craving stories…

#1- Junk food cravings are very strong! I know I’ve talked about this before– but… seriously, this is sooo out of control right now!  I am happy to report that while hubby & I were out and about last Saturday, we found my oh-so-desired Samoa Cookies!  You should have seen the smile (and I think I let out a scream of joy) when we found them!  I did use some control and only bought 3 boxes.  That’s ok, right?

#2- Last night I had a HUGE craving for a root beer float.  Luckily, we had all of the fixings to make this delicious drink.  Thank goodness!   And– I’m really looking forward to dessert tonight–homemade strawberry shortcake!  I can’t wait!!!

#3- And… I want to give a special thank you to Chuck & Amy for the box of dark chocolates that showed up in the mail last week.  What a yummy surprise!  They were delicious!  Thank you.

I also want to mention what a super star, rock star, hubby I have!  He is the best!!!  He is my biggest cheerleader of preggers support and always ready to help me out whether it be rubbing my aching back, making homemade delicious desserts I’m craving, helping me tie my shoes, helping me up if I’ve sunk too far into the couch and can’t get my turtley-self up, AND doing all of those chore type things around the house that I’m having a hard time doing.  I am so grateful and thankful for hubby!  Love him :)

Oh and… Here are some 36 week pics of my belly bump!  Enjoy!

me in little man’s nursery

36 weeks- nursery

36 week belly bump!

36 week belly bump

5 Responses to “36 weeks!”

  1. Kelly on March 9, 2009 2:17 pm

    Ah Jen, you look great!! And what a cute room he’ll have. Hey if you were me (preg with Ruby)- you’d be holding a 3 day old right now, she came at 36 weeks one day and looking at his room, you were WAY more prepared then we were!

    Good luck with the delivery!

  2. Mom F. on March 9, 2009 2:45 pm

    Jen….it looks like he could come any day now. Sure glad Jeff is done traveling until after the birth. The room looks really cute. Take some more pictures please.


  3. Janet on March 9, 2009 4:11 pm

    I love the room! Your little guy is going to be living in style! Also, thanks for the great laugh! Only 3 boxes of Samoa’s huh?!? I think it is definitely time to order the slip on Vans girl!

    love you!

  4. Jeff on March 10, 2009 8:34 am

    I know it’s on everyone’s minds…yes, I’ve hidden one of the boxes of Samoas for a rainy day.

  5. Julie on March 10, 2009 7:28 pm

    I’m waiting for the frantic call one night,” We’re out of Samoas in Nashville, can you comb the Bay Area and send an overnight care package. Hurry, it’s an emergency!”

    Jen you look great and the room is very cute… or should I say that you look cute and the room is great… either way is true. Finally, our boys absolutely can’t wait to have a new cousin!

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