First shots- ouch!

June 2nd, 2009

week 9- first shots

Yesterday, hubby and I took Ben to his 2-month check up appointment.  This was his 3rd visit to his doc, and on this visit he was going to receive his first shots.  Of course, he received shots while in the hospital, but these were the first shots I was going to be present at. I have to admit, I was a tiny bit nervous about this whole ordeal.  I’m really not sure why I was nervous, as I know what it’s like to receive shots; I get them on a weekly basis due to my battle with mother nature and allergies.  I guess I was feeling what many mommies feel when faced with things they know that are going to be painful for their children.

Below is my mommy version of this story (mine is a tiny more dramatic )…  If you’d like to read the daddy version, pop over to my hubby’s blog! :)

So the first part of the check up went just fine.  Doc asked us a bunch of questions about:  feeding, pooping, sleeping, & development stuff; we had a very nice chat, he said Ben is doing just great and we’ll see you in 2 months for the 4-month check up.  Then, on his way out, he said the nurse will be back to give the shots.  All of a sudden, I started to feel sweaty.  I kept thinking… you’re the mom, put on a brave face!  I bet baby’s can smell fear the same way bees do! It wasn’t long before the nurse came in with the shots.  I sat in the corner of the room while hubby held Ben’s hands.  Now, it was shot time.  The good thing was the nurse moved fast in administering the shots.  Awesome.  The bad thing was that it didn’t take Ben long to figure out something felt very painful in his legs.  I’ve never heard him cry like that; it was sooooo high pitched & loud.  Before I knew it, I shed a few tears with Ben.  I don’t think any mommy wants to hear their baby cry like that!  Ugh.  After the shots, hubby calmed Ben down (man, I was so glad he could come with me to this appointment!) and we were on our way home.

Overall, Ben really did great during his first shot appointment.  He was only really upset for a minute or two.  I think I definitely spent more time nervous about it than he did.  And, he really only cried that crazy cry for about a minute.  But it felt like so much longer!!!  So… in 2 months, we get to do this all over again.  I better start practicing my ‘mommy brave face’.

3 Responses to “First shots- ouch!”

  1. DaMama's on June 2, 2009 6:53 pm

    You are a true Mom, protecting her baby. I think the shots hurt you more than Ben. So hugs and kisses to you both.

  2. Janet on June 4, 2009 10:25 am

    I could not help but giggle when I read both your account and Jeff’s. Poor sweet little mommy! I think baby Ben did terrific! He looks like such a sweet little angel lying on your chest. Auntie misses him.

  3. Heather Berg on June 29, 2009 3:08 pm

    Ohhhh the memories! It does get easier, BUT it helps SOOO much to have Daddy there (Mr. Logical!!!). I remember going though this with Jadon for the first time….. yep, I think Mom feels more pain than baby. Wow Jen, you really are a mom! I am so proud of you and wishing we could all be together during such a time as this!

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