15 weeks!

October 10th, 2008

Wow!  I can’t believe that today marks 15 weeks of this preggers journey!  BabyCenter says that our little nut is about the size of an apple today.  That’s pretty amazing to me as I look down at my belly thinking, I can’t believe there’s something in there the size of an apple! I really don’t have that big of a bump yet; must be a small apple :)  Another book I have says that the nut is the size of a navel orange.  There’s no way my nut is the size of an orange– but all of this fruit talk is making me hungry for an ambrosia salad!

Now that I’m cruising in my 2nd trimester, I thought I’d share some thoughts of my 1st trimester…. a word of warning– especially for my readers who haven’t yet experienced this wonderful journey, what I’m about to tell you is the honest truth of what could possibly happen to you! :)

First (and this is a big one!)– Morning sickness happens not just in the morning.  If that were really the case, that would’ve been a dream for me!  I’ve been dealing with this 24/7.  That’s right.  No exaggeration (and I’ve been known to do that!).  I’ll spare you the disgusting details– just know that there’s been some really gross moments.  I got all sorts of advice on how to deal with this and tried it all.  But what really worked for me is trying to keep my tummy full (of  what I could keep in my tummy), snacking on green apples, saltine crackers, no fatty/greasy foods, and eating crystallized ginger.  This has been the most exhausting and frustrating part of being preggers– but I’ve had a really awesome support team to help me deal with all of this.  Special shout out to hubby for always being there to hold my hair back!  Wuv!

The good news is that I think (and I don’t want to jinx myself!) I’m really turning the corner on this.  I’m really starting to feel much better.  I’ve felt like I have had more energy this week, and I feel like I want to venture out of the house more and more.  I still have some moments where the heaves and nausea sneak up on me, but I can deal with that.

I also know that I’m starting to feel better because I’m starting to crave certain food items.  For example, I was at the grocery store yesterday, in the ice-cream aisle, and pretty much wanted to eat all the ice-cream.  I even considered opening up a box of fudge pops right then and there.  This is funny to me because I’ve never really been an ice-cream person, but now I am!  I also have big cravings for chocolate, cupcakes, and cookies.  Guess the nut has a bit of a sweet tooth?! :)

Another funny thing that has happened to me is that my meandering mind is WAY out of control!  I have become soooo scattered in my thoughts and I’ll totally forget things.  Yesterday I drove past my house on my way home from getting my hair cut.  Who does that?!  I think I was so consumed by my thoughts that I forgot what I was doing!  At least I realized what I did right away!  And, don’t even think about giving me a list of things to do and think I’ll remember it.  I won’t.  Everything must be written down.  I never used to be like this.  I’ve also been known to be hunting for my shoes, car keys, and purse.  Maybe I need to write myself a note on where I put these things down. Am I losing my mind?

I’m also discovering the wonderful world of pregnant lady clothes.  I had a sad moment last week when I tried on my favorite Lucky Jeans and I couldn’t button the top button.  Yes, I really cried about it (people, emotions are very high right now!).  I’ve officially had to make the switch to maternity jeans and I have to say they are really comfortable!  I never thought I’d be so happy with an elastic waist.  But I am– and proud of it!  No more zippers or buttons jamming themselves into my tummy.  Elastic jeans rock!

By far, the best thing that I’ve discovered in this wonderful, wild, crazy world of being preggers is despite some of the gross things I’ve been through, I wouldn’t change a single minute of it.  Crazy, huh?!  I know that in a blink of an eye our little nut will be here and my days of being preggers will be over.  I try to soak in all these moments; especially the great ones like day dreaming about the nut, or when hubby and I talk to the nut or when hubby kisses my tummy every night before bed.  That’s when I just want to freeze time and take a picture.  Oh no!  I’m starting to get teary thinking about it… off to find some kleenex!

Next week we have our 3rd prenatal appointment.  I’m excited to hear the nut’s heartbeat and maybe I’ll have another pic for ya!

6 Responses to “15 weeks!”

  1. DaMama's on October 11, 2008 11:45 am

    It’s a wonderful journey darlin’ I’m glad you are enjoying it

    Love ya

  2. Janet on October 11, 2008 9:05 pm

    We are anxiously awaiting the anouncement of the sex of the little nut. Keep us posted. Love to you, Jeff, and the baby nut.

  3. Lauren on October 12, 2008 8:52 am

    “I swear to god, Lauren, the baby ATE MY BRAIN. I used to not be so clumsy or stupid!” -One of my coworkers after she managed to drop a tray full of drinks onto a table (she was pregnant at the time). :-)

    I also recall my role model saying her knitting was negatively affected as well (woe!). Hope that’s not true for you.

    Anyway, I’m glad you’re feeling better! I’ve been working extra lately, but hopefully I’ll run into you soon.

  4. Rachelle on October 13, 2008 11:45 am

    If it makes you feel any better, I drove past my house the other night, and Im not even preggers!

  5. tyna on October 15, 2008 10:14 pm

    Yeah, glad to hear the a.m. sickness is subsiding. My cravings were all about cajun food and now Liv loves to try new exotic foods, go figure! Remember, I don’t really want to know the sex, I still think its like opening Christmas presents in Nov!!! All you need to bring baby home is a couple of names picked out, a load of diapers, (they’re unisex!), and a few yellow or green onsies, (they’re unisex also and they match what comes out of baby). Simple! You’re going to be such a cool mom.
    See you around Bliss sometime.

  6. Martha on October 30, 2008 6:07 pm

    Congratulations! This is big news! I can sympathize with the morning sickness. Not fun at all. Glad the end of it is upon you.

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