products the Ben & Jen Show love- #6

August 10th, 2009


If you didn’t see the original post regarding the list, check it out to get the background on the amazing Top 11 products we have loved over the last 4 months!

In the very helpful items category… (and we all need a little help every now and then, right?)

#6.  Bottle Warmer- Also falling in the… do I really need one of these things? I thought I didn’t.  Picture this… your little bundle crying for food in the middle of night.  You go downstairs pulling a cold bottle out of the fridge, trying to quickly warm it up in the sink with hot water, meanwhile baby is starting to go into the I sound possessed cry. You are trying to move as fast as you can.  Finally, with what seems like an eternity, the bottle is warm and baby is fed.  Everyone goes back to sleep for a couple of hours and then we all go through this again.  And this happens multiple times during the night!

Doing this 2-3 times in the middle of the night can drive a mommy (and a daddy) crazy!  This scene played out in our house for a couple of weeks until we realized we really, really, really, needed a better solution.  Our prayers were answered when we discovered the amazing Night & Day Bottle Warmer System.  Perfect idea for feeding baby upstairs!  We could keep it in our bathroom, a few steps away from our bed, with two prepared bottles in the cooler section for those middle of the night feedings.  Yes, I said cooler section!  It’s pure genius.  It truly made things soooo much easier for those blurry-eyed, middle of the night feedings; everything just seemed so much more quick and efficient with this warmer.  We loved it sooo much that we bought this one for downstairs (and we still use it everyday).

Save yourself from hearing the crazy, baby possessed cry (ok, I really can’t promise that!) and get yourself one of these warmers.  Especially if you have a 2-story house like me.  You’ll be glad you did!

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