baby belly bump at 16 weeks

October 17th, 2008

belly- 16 weeks

It’s Friday, so that means the nut and I have reached 16 weeks today!  Hubby and I thought we’d better start taking some belly pics to document my preggers experience.  Here’s the first one.

Also, we thought it would be fun to see what you guys think the gender of the baby is.  So what do you think???  We’d love to hear all of the guesses!  I’ve created a poll (do you see this in the sidebar on the right?) to keep track of the votes.  You have a little less than a month to vote; we find out what the nut’s gender is on November 12th.  Is the nut a baby boy or a baby girl????  Stay tuned…

5 Responses to “baby belly bump at 16 weeks”

  1. Janet on October 17, 2008 6:39 pm

    Love the bump! You just look adorable! The shirt is fantastic!

    We think it might be a boy.

    love you!

  2. DaMama's on October 17, 2008 8:22 pm

    Tried to vote but Dad had voted for girl and it won’t let me vote. When I can I’m voting boy.
    You look cute honey, I love you


  3. Northern California Swords on October 19, 2008 9:47 pm

    Our family is mixed. Dave and I say a boy, Ian and Michael say girl. Since I am replying I get to choose boy, but either will be perfect!


    ps – the nut bump is very cute!

  4. Martha on October 30, 2008 6:05 pm

    I’m going to break the tie with girl. Love the bump!

  5. Carol on November 10, 2008 5:01 pm

    And I just tied it up again with my vote. :P ‘Nut bump’… Love it!

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